Consulting with Cynthia
Welcome to positive Insight, Intuitive consulting with Cynthia
                Questions and answers, How it works
                Questions and answers, How it works
Every person on this planet has their
very own unique DNA
The same can be said of a persons "Spirit"
No two Spirits are exactly the same.
We can complement one another to fit so connectedly that we even finish each others sentences, but just the same, we each have our own individual Spirit.
How does Cynthia help?
* She is sort of a messenger. She is forever saying
"ok! first, take a deep breath, hold it, one two three four, now let it out, ok, One more big breath...now, how can I help you?"
Even if its not exactly what the client wants to hear, she will tell them if they are not on the path that will bring the outcome they say they want to achieve. she encourages clients to pay attention to their own inner messages and if need be she helps to reframe a message for a clearer understanding of a situation, and helps her clients to focus on a new positive productive perspective. .
Why are there so many different techniques? which one will work for me?
* Remember we all are unique individuals with our own spiritual beliefs.
With that being said please note,
This is why so many different techniques are used and personally designed for the individual spirit. Everyone receives personal insight, guidance and messages in different ways with personal energy levels and individual timing.
We each have our own personal guidance, (Intuition) it's referred to in many, many ways. Some refer to it as spirit guide, guardian angel, the voice of God, or my higher calling, some simply prefer to say my gut instinct, 6th since and so on, all are correct and should be honored.
Special Note... Please, have any questions ready before the session begins, especially for the 15 minute appointment. Time really does go by quite quickly. Taking down notes is highly suggested, sessions can trigger emotions that you did not expect. Sometimes it is hard to remember things when emotions are heightened.
Are phone consults/ readings just as strong and accurate as in person?
* Yes, phone consulting /readings are just as strong and accurate as in person. Actually working over the phone allows the client the convenience and security of being in their own comfort zone.
Does everyone have this ability?
* Yes! some listen and follow their "Intuition" higher voice, and some forget how to listen, and some loose faith in the ability of listening.
Example; if you see someone continuing to repeat the same sabotage or destructive pattern in their life, be it work or personal, and try as they may, they keep attracting the same situations over and over again, and they don't seem to be able to move forward or beyond a certain point.
Either they are not listening or may have forgotten how to, or perhaps they were never taught how to follow their natural instinct and how to use it.
How does it work exactly?
*. Well...it starts with your intent. You make an appointment and you begin. You will be encouraged and guided to take several deep breaths, this is to distract the mind and allow the peaceful quietness of spirit to instill a calmness within. This will bring a sense of connection within your self and with Cynthia and then you begin to find the clarity-answers you are seeking. All faiths and religions are respectfully honored here.
All rights reserved. 2006